Toggl vs Timely

Toggl’s fundamental design flaw

G2 4.8 out of 5 rating score

“I tried Toggl last year: while remembering to start the timer was a chore, remembering to stop it proved impossible. I was constantly receiving notifications saying ‘your timer has been running for 8 hours.”

Richard via G2

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What makes Timely the best Toggl alternative?

As the only time tracking solution offering full automation, Timely is the definitive Toggl alternative. Instead of making you manage timers, Timely tells you what you worked on. Here are a few reasons why frustrated Toggl users migrate to Timely.

Timely is accurate, flexible, enjoyable time tracking.

Toggl’s fundamental design flaw

Almost every time tracking app currently on the market shares Toggl’s essential design flaw: manual timer input.

Toggl sells itself as being intuitive and easy to use, but constantly starting and stopping timers is an unnatural and inefficient way to track time. The reliance on human input also produces bad data – studies show that even when logged daily, manual timesheets are only ever 67% accurate.

In this context, frustrations with Toggl’s fiddly reporting features, limited time insights and lack of payroll support matter relatively little. Ultimately, a robust time-tracking solution should fulfil its basic purpose: capturing hours accurately as easily as possible.

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