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Time tracking for Microsoft Teams

Time tracking for Microsoft Teams

Our customers say it best: billable work happens on so many apps nowadays it’s hard to keep track of all time commitments.

I knew my consulting time was being eaten up by admin time (email, meetings with clients, etc.) but couldn't accurately see how much until I started using Timely. Also, tracking both work and personal projects when I'm using my computer shows me when I think I'm "off" work but still checking emails/Slack. It has made me more conscious about over-committing myself to clients and about my work-life balance because now I have the data to show for it.

- G2 Crowd Verified Customer

It’s a problem – time waste across micro-tasks, work or non-work related. Ever since companies moved to digital – for client engagement, project management, and collaboration – it had an estimated impact of $1,000,000 in revenue lost on unproductive meetings in large and very large companies.

Time leaks happen in other ways, too – when you need to manage work across multiple systems; when you manually transfer data from one to another for reporting and invoicing.

We’ve covered this problem extensively here. You’ll also find how easily you can control costs and improve your operations by integrating Timely with your business systems. But first, a bit of product news…

New Microsoft Teams integration

Microsoft Teams makes online collaboration faster for 80% of employees – pulling documents, decks, calls, team messaging, and meetings in one place.

With the new time-tracking integration for Microsoft Teams, you can track the time spent on each client deliverable – like documents created, updated, and shared. In Timely, collaboration in Teams can be routinely checked against running projects. You may find that some overtime work or extra meetings are due to misalignment or incomplete briefs.

Or, add the time spent with clients on Teams to your billable work statements.

Our integration for Microsoft Teams captures:

  • The title of the document you work on
  • The duration
  • The chat or call you’ve had and their duration

Each of these are captured and organized on your Memory timeline. When you’re ready to review your day and send in your work report, drag the relevant Teams memories onto your timesheet, and the time will be added up automatically.

Our time-tracking integrations are growing

We understand the power of a fully integrated ecosystem, and we’re not just in the business of time tracking. We’re in the business of empowering you with insights:

  • How many ad-hoc client meetings can you bill for? Check out our time-tracking integrations for Zoom, Microsoft 365, and Google Calendar. 
  • How much time you’ve spent collaborating with colleagues or your client’s teams? Use our time tracking integrations for Asana, Trello, To-doist
  • What’s your real engineering velocity? Surely it’s not just about the number of code commits and updates, it’s also the time you spend documenting your work. Check out our JIRA and Github time-tracking integrations.
  • Is inbox management looking like a full-time job? Check out our Microsoft Outlook and Gmail integrations.

Better yet, these time-tracking integrations are all available on Starter plans for anyone to benefit from precise insights into their workday using all critical business systems.

Coming soon: integrations to automate (more) admin

Time-tracking is one part of monitoring your time investments and labour costs. Another aspect is project delivery. Top agencies and consultants are efficient. They seek to automate processes to create more time for valuable client-facing work.

To achieve this, you need to use both project management and timekeeping.

Moving forward, we’re enabling you to sync your favorite project management tools with Timely. Your projects, deadlines, assigned members, and tasks will automatically update your Timely workspace as you change these parameters in your project management tools. A complete automation loop is formed, freeing up the time you would have spent on admin and systems management.

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Discover the power of Timely's automated time tracking now!
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