Time tracking
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Figuring out Team Member Capacity

Figuring out Team Member Capacity

When juggling multiple projects, tasks, and team members, effective resource allocation is key. 

The Command Center: People Dashboard

Timely has a complete toolkit to help you with resource allocation in project management. The people dashboard gives you a centralized location to effectively manage capacity, overtime, and planned work, enabling you to optimize your resource utilization. 

You can monitor individual capacity, see who's logged their hours and ensure everyone's working to your priorities. Understanding how people spend their time also helps you distribute workloads and allocate resources effectively to hit your targets… every time.

Forget the hassle of figuring out who's on track and who's lagging behind. You can easily identify areas where you’re under-resourced, assess team members’ workloads and assign tasks accordingly, while still ensuring work aligns with capacity in real-time. Managers can easily keep track of teams with varying weekly schedules.

Having an understanding of how your team is spending their time can unlock powerful insights and let managers steer the ship more effectively. Say 40% of all employee hours are spent on non-billable projects, but your company needs to log 80% to billable projects, consultants can be reallocated to ensure everyone is on course to reach your company goals. 

Steering the Ship Effectively

Timely doesn't just give you data; it hands you the reins. It's super easy to find out your utilization rate and set KPIs to keep you hitting metrics and avoiding sunk costs.🤝

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